Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Sad Day?

Well not really! lol
I find out yesterday that I can take the CP without losing my Federal Scholarship they just put it on hold! that is awesome! I was so happy for it. Now I just have to wait for the presentation at my college in about 3 weeks mmm so have to wait a little more, but I already watch the E Presentation and it was boring! haha... well about the last poll the Park that win was Epcot!

Thank You for Reading
Have a Disney Day!


John W. said...

If you already watched the E Presentation then why dont you start the web interview now

John W. said...

I dont think there is a "worst" job but maybe either Costuming or Housekeeping because you arent in the parks

Jenn said...

Lyanne said that they aren't doing face to face interviews in PR anymore. You might want to check!